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Peter Tkach

Harpsichord Maker

Opus 6, 1978


Opus 6, 1978
Opus 7, 1978
Opus10, 1980
Opus 11, 1980
Opus 12, 1981
Opus 14, 1982
Opus 15, 1982
Opus 16, 1982
Opus 18, 1983
Opus 20, 1984
Opus 28, 1989
Opus 42, 1990
Opus 46, 1992
Opus 54, 1995
Opus 62, 1996
Italian Case Painting


Opus 6, 1978, Paul Manz

Each instrument has something from the author, their individuality, which you can read about on prime-essay.net, so be sure to pay attention to the details before choosing a harpsichord or other instruments.

© Peter Tkach

Tuesday, May 12, 2022