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Peter Tkach

Harpsichord Maker

Price List For Kits

From the Renaissance Workshop Co. Ltd., Bradford England


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Price List For Custom Made Instruments
Price List For Kits
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Ottavino Spinet $1185
Cembalino $2370
Clavichord $1770
English Bentside Spinet $3920
Grand Harpsichord, 2x8 $5390
Grand Harpsichord, 2x8, 1x4 $5910
Grand Harpsichord, 2x8, 1x4, double manual $6440

Plush-lined carrying cases are included in the prices of the Cembalino and Ottavino. All prices include freight to your door, customs clearance, and entry bonding insurance fees. Special stand, lid, music desk, and decorating packages are available for various instruments as options. Prices of these items will be furnished on request.

The Early Music Shop in Bradford, England, is the largest single source of early musical instruments in the world. Besides hundreds of finished instruments, the EMS produces nearly fifty Do-It-Yourself instruments of all kinds: winds, strings, percussion, keyboards. Being a maker of keyboard instruments, I can assure you that the kits listed above are outstanding. both in design and clarity of instructions. The result for you, as the builder, is a first-rate instrument and an enormous feeling of accomplishment and pride.

My shop is available, at no charge, for any complicated construction steps you feel uncomfortable with in your workplace, such as case gluing, soundboard installation, string layout. My wife and I are always available for discussion of decoration processes and techniques. In other words, we want to assist you in any way we can so that your instrument is exactly what you want in both sound and appearance.

Terms of Sale: Twenty percent with order, remainder when your package is ready to be shipped from St. Louis, or when I bring it to you.

Please call or write for descriptive color brochures and specific details regarding any of these fine Do-It-Yourself instruments.

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Ottavino Spinet made from Early Music Shop kit. The gold decoration is included with the kit and is easily transferred onto the instrument case.

© 2000 Peter Tkach

Tuesday, May 12, 2022