Home Up #1 Tail to Spine #2 Front End #3 Bentside #4 Corner Keys #5 Braces #6 Sound Board Slats #7 Glued Soundboard Slats #8 Fitted Soundboard #9 Rough-cut Bridges #10 Go-bars #11 Bridges Glued to Soundboard #12 Lid and Flap Are Fitted #13 Liners #14 Six Upper Frames #15 Bottom Fitted #16 Soundboard Bottom #17 Gilding the Rose #18 Sunbathing #19 Soundboard and Go-bars #20 In the White #21 Key Blanks and Frames #22 Marked Key Blanks #23 Natural Platings #24 Keys Are Cut #25 Arcades Are Glued #26 Natural Keys #27 Keys Mounted #28 Back of Keys #29 Instrument Strung #30 Sharp Keys #31 All Keys Finished and Mounted #32 Completed Keyboards #33 Case Moldings Gilded
Case moldings are gilded and gold bands applied to the case sides.